Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Machine Gun Preacher Review

When a movie is based on real events, I just can’t help but to watch it. There is something about real life stores that are intriguing and entertaining. Plus after watching, I end up get educated into a topic I was interested in knowing more about, which is awesome! 
Gerard Butler as Sam Childers

Machine Gun Preacher is about a good for nothing biker who commits crimes, a drug addict and a horrible husband and father named Sam Childers played by Gerard Butler (300).  Sam comes home from prison and finds his wife Lynn Childers played by Michelle Monaghan (Source Code) has found God. 
Michelle Monaghan as Lynn Childers
Sam does not take this news well, and goes crazy, seeking drugs and commits crimes. I honestly don’t know what Lynn even saw in this guy. Even the way Sam treated his child provided more than enough reasons to why they should no longer be together, but the wife stuck it out. Crazy things people do for love!  
Eventually, Sam ends up killing someone, or so he thinks, and puts him over the boiling point leading him to seek his wife’s help that ultimately guides Sam to finding God.  One encounter with a preacher from Uganda helps Sam find a purpose that begins his crusade to help Sudanese children who are forced to become soldiers to fight to kill its own people.
To have the story based on real events is so inspiring. You have this guy who lived a horrible lifestyle, went to jail, was a dealer and drug addict, then finds faith, but gets absorbed in a world that is more horrifying than his own lifestyle. It’s surprising what a person has to go through just to support people who need help. I just cannot understand why people can easily look the other way for small amounts of money to help people more in need.  It just shows how money is such an evil component in our society.
I admire Sam Chandler for his bravado and commitment to help people more in need. To risk his own life, and to fight with a liberation army to save children being forced to be soldiers only to end up receiving a bounty on his head is beyond being a hero. It’s too bad we don’t have enough people like him. The world could sure use more people who truly care about people around the world.
Gerald Butler was awesome; I was moved and inspired by his acting abilities and after reading a little bit about Sam, Gerald did an admirable job of presenting Sam Chandler.  The cast supported Gerald Butler well, and presented a captivating and emotional story that kept me interested.
This movie is worth watching, especially if you are into real life stories. You will feel moved and emotional for it touches a horrible topic that still continues to this day.  I give Machine Gun Preacher an impression score of 3 out of 4 smiles.  Great entertainment worth watching!

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