Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption Movie Review

What was the movie about?
'The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption' tells the story of Mathayus's journey after losing his kingdom and becoming a mercenary. He ends up selling his sword to two warring brothers, Talus played by Billy Zane and Horus played by Ron Perlman. Talus attacks an ally of Horus in order to obtain enough military power to attack Horus's kingdom. Mathayus is hired by Horus first to find a princess, then changes sides a few times in pursuit of great riches. Eventually Mathayus and companion find a path of their own helping the princess change the fate of Talus's invasion.

Why watch this Movie?
The only real reason to watch this movie is if you have nothing else to really watch, or you are curious to see how the story unfolds with Mathayus. Another would be your just a big fan of Ron Perlman, Billy Zane, and Bautista.

Was the movie worth seeing?
With the absence of the rock playing Mathayus, the story falls between mediocre to horrible. The acting was a hit and miss. Adding Billy Zane, Ron Perlman and Bautista doesn't provide enough support to turn it into a more enjoyable movie. The fight scenes felt unrealistic that two kids with wooden sticks could have provided a more realistic and better fighting scenes.

I give 'The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption' 1/5 (1 - watch only if you have no choice)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Chronicle Movie Review

What was the movie about?
'Chronicle' is about three high school kids who stumble on a meteor. Steven Montgomer played by Michael B. Jordan is your super popular high school kid. Matt Garetty played by Alex Russell is your bad boy high school kid. Andrew Detmer played by Dane Dehaan is your unpopular high school kid with issues. The three form a bound when they start to realise they now have abilities. They start experimenting on what they can do, eventually getting stronger and expanding beyond their basic backyard testing. Steven becomes closer with Andrew and tries to help him overcome his issues by making him popular. Things don't turn out and Andrew loses control leading to a death. Andrew becomes even more uncontrollable when his dysfunctional family issues unfold. Leading to a city wide destruction and a confrontation with the one person that truly carried about him.

Why watch this Movie?
Imagine you find a fallen meteor, now you have abilities, but what can you actually do. You begin to experiment to find your limits. All of sudden you can fly. Now picture that with three totally different personalities of high school kids who don't act like heroes, or use it for good, but only to have fun! What would you do if you had abilities as a teenager? That's the question I wanted find an answer to by watching the movie.

Was the movie worth seeing?
At first I thought it was going to be a story about good and evil, one taking the role of a super hero, the other a villain. However, they did a good job of telling a different story. Focusing more on how one would cope with having abilities, to how it would influence their lives, which made it a more enjoyable and entertaining movie to watch. Go see it!

I give Chronicle 4/5 (4 - worth watching)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Grey Movie Review

What was the movie about?
'The Grey' focuses on character named 'Ottway' played by Liam Neeson, who is struggling with a tragedy that leads to him wanting to end his life. However, a greater tragedy occurs, placing him amongst strangers in middle of nowhere in the harsh and freezing weather of the Alaskan mountain range. On top of trying to survive the freezing cold, Ottway and crew have greater dangers to worry about for they are aggressively hunted by a pack of territorial wolves making their survival even more perilous.

Why watch this Movie?
What makes this movie worth watching is how the drama unfolds between each character and how they cope with trying to survive as each one is slowly hunted down by the pack of wolves. This is a movie about surviving, and it delivers this message clearly, for it shows the struggles of people when life is controlled by predators.

Was the movie worth seeing?
At first I thought it was going to be an end all, be all type of movie, but I was suprised. It delivered a solid and entertainig survival story with a questionable ending. Check it out for it's worth watching.

I give The Grey 4/5 (4 - worth watching)

Warrior Movie Review

What was the movie about?
'Warrior' is a Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) action/drama story about a dysfunctional family of  two brothers separated because of an alcoholic father played by Nick Nolte. The younger brother, 'Tommy Conlon' played by Tom Hardy returns home with ambitions to fight in the ring, but is haunted by his military past and his hatred for his older brother. The older brother, 'Brendan Conlon' played by Joel Edgerton was a former UFC fighter decides to return to the ring in hopes of earning money to support his family. Eventually both brothers climb to the top leading to a final showdown of hatred and love.

Why watch this Movie?
What I enjoyed most about this movie was the mixed martial arts fight scenes. They did a superb job of portraying the fighting and life style of an MMA fighter. The acting was also well done, piecing it all together to provide an enjoyable movie.

Was the movie worth seeing?
I am a big fan of action, dramas and mixed martial arts. To see it all in one movie and present it well was truly entertaining. Definitely worth watching!

I give Warrior 4/5 (4 - worth watching)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Drive Movie Review

Why watch this movie?
'Drive' stars Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan. If you are a fan of both that's one reason to watch. The car chases and stunts are another good reason. Gosling could have used more lines, but otherwise his action scenes are entertaining enough to watch.

What was the movie about?
The story is about a quiet and reserved stunt man, who ends up getting involved with a single parent. When the husband returns from prison things turns for the worse. Goslings character 'Driver', ends up helping the husband resolve an issue. Things don't turn out and even more trouble occurs causing harm to everyone Driver knows and cares about.

Was the movie worth seeing?
If you enjoy watching car chases, stunts and messy killings then you may find it entertaining. I felt it was a bit slow to start. Eventually it picks up with more action and killing at the end turning it into a more enjoyable action movie. 

I give Drive 3/5 (3 - its decent entertainment)

In Time Movie Review

Why watch this movie?
'In Time' stars Justin Timerblake and Amanda Seyfried. Its a unique story about society genetically changing how we live and die. Aging stops at 25, currency is replaced with a time clock that is embed in your arm. People work to earn time and use to pay for everyday living, shortening the time they live. The poor struggle to maintain time, while the rich lavish with decades to centuries of time.

Justin, Amanda and cast provide a decent performance and entertainment, but what really makes this movie worth watching is the story premise of how society copes living by a timer.

What was the movie about?
The story focuses on Justin Timberlakes character 'Will Salas' who is given 100 years of time by a stranger who had enough of living and dies. This causes the time police and time thieves to start chasing Will, who eventually kidnaps and falls in love with Amanda Seyfriend character 'Sylvia Weis'.  This adds more heat to Will Salas, for  Sylvia is the daughter of the business tycoon that manages the time system. Eventually the story unfolds into a Bonny and Clyde escapade where the two rob time banks to give back to the poor.

Was the movie worth seeing?
If you are a fan of Justin Timerblake and Amanda Seyfried, then I recommend checking it out. They do a decent performance to deliver an enjoyable story.

I give In Time 3/5 (3 - its decent entertainment)