Sunday, February 5, 2012

Punished Movie Review

What was the movie about?
'Punished' is a foreign crime/thriller movie about a business tycoon named Wong Ho-chiu played by Anthony Wong, who faces parental issues raising a daughter using drugs. His daughter ends up being kidnapped, but Wong questions if this was a plot by his daughter to obtain more money. Things turn for the worst when Wong and his bodyguard Chor played by Richie Ren find his daughter's body. Wong struggles with his daughter's death, which leads to Wong asking Chor for help to investigate who was behind this, and to punish them all.

Why watch this Movie?
This is a story about what a father would do to obtain justice for what he has lost. Anthony Wong delivers a decent performance of portraying a struggling father, who takes matters into his own hands without actually getting his hands dirty. The movie is slow paced, displaying a few action moments. If you watch this movie with less expectations of being an action movie then you may find it to be enjoyable.

Was the movie worth seeing?
Since I am a fan of Anthony Wong, I am used to watching him perform more emotional acting roles, than seeing him in action. So I didn't expect this to be an action packed movie, but it did provide a satisfying entertainment. One thing to note, this is a subtitled movie, so if you are not into reading text while watching a movie then I wouldn't recommend.

I give 'Punished' 3/5 (3 - decent entertainment)

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