What makes a what if story unique is the creativity and imagination it can present. It can take a historical figure, icon or even a fictional character and tell a different story that is totally mind-boggling, surprising or down right weird. In the movie Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, the story takes the 16th US President an adds a ‘what if’ Abraham was actually a hunter. Not just a simple hunter but a vampire hunter before he became a U.S. President.
The story starts at the time of Abraham’s child hood during a dispute between a slave owner and Lincoln’s parents. Abe try’s to help a slave which gets him into trouble resulting in his father stepping in to help him. This action spirals into chaos resulting in Abraham’s mother dying which Abe witnesses the true nature of the killer that leads to him wanting to take revenge.
A what if story can sometimes be enjoyable or down right boring and weird. To me this movie was fun and entertaining to see the iconic figure being presented in a action and fictional story in the realm of supernatural. Given the story is a what if and an action movie with vampires, I did not expect much from the story. If you go in watching this movie to learn about Lincoln or for historical accuracy then expect to be disappointed. Don’t forget this a what if story about an iconic character and vampires with a lot of action scenes, blood and gore. If you enjoy this type of presentation and keep an open mind then you may find some sort of entertainment from the movie.
The movie presented a handful of 3D scenes that was ok. Nothing ground breaking, but you can tell they made an effort to apply the 3D, so see it in 3D if you can.
The cast did a decent job of presenting their characters especially Benjamin Walker who plays Abraham Lincoln. He did great job of portraying Lincoln and performed admirably in the action scenes. The one thing I probably didn't care for was the the story about vampires wanting a country of their own that tied to the civil war. It was a bit far fetched but then again its what can typically happen in a what if universe storeline, so I accepted it for what it was and focused my enjoyment with the action scenes.
Overall, I enjoyed this movie. It’s what I expected from a what if story and for an action movie with blood and gore with vampires.
I give Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter an Imp Score of 3 out 4 smiles. Great entertainment worth watching!
This one could have definitely been a lot more ridiculous and insane, like the premise seemed like it promised, but I still had fun with it. Surprised this actually did well at all at the box office. Totally thought that people weren't all that interested in the idea of Honest Abe, hacking up vamps, but I guess there is a big enough crowd out there for this. Good review.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment. I didn't expect much from the movie, but it turned out to be pretty fun and entertaining.