Monday, July 16, 2012

Sector 7 Review

Being a fan of movies I get cravings for certain movie genres and I get into this phase where I start exploring the internet for movies I may be curious about. A few nights back I was interested in watching a monster/horror movie and I came across this movie called ‘Sector 7’. 

Sector 7 is a South Korean movie about a crew of oil workers stationed on an oil platform somewhere in the ocean seas. The movie starts off with a flashback about an oil exploration that goes wrong. Several years later a new expedition begins in the same location in the area called Sector 7. 

Cha played by Ji-won Ha 
The movie casts a number of unknowns, along with a lead actress named Ji-won Ha who plays the main character Cha / Hae-jun. Cha is obsessed in finding oil and making it big. After several attempts, she and the captain don’t see eye to eye and the captain informs the crew the project will be closing down. Cha is furious and declares she will stay and continue the search for oil. This causes tensions with the captain and the arrival of Cha’s uncle, who has a past history with Sector 7. Leading to events that brings a path of death, chaos and a monster hunting for prey.

The cast didn’t do a bad job; it’s the lack of blood, gore and scary moments that made this movie feel like it was rated G. The monster was creative, but lacked a menacing and horrible presence. The monster attacks could have used a bit more creativity, blood and gore. I don’t believe I ever noticed the tentacles being used as a weapon except to grab people. Oh, wait! There was one moment where it stabbed someone to grab them, but that was mostly it. And I don’t believe I noticed anyone getting mauled or torn apart visually by the monster. The TV show, ‘The Walking Dead’ had better cinematic gore with zombies than this movie. That’s pretty sad given a TV show can out shine a movie in the gore department.

Overall, it was an ok movie, with great action scenes to make it worth renting. However, Sector 7 was to timid to be considered a horror movie, and to mild to be a monster thriller that I am used to watching. Also note this is a foreign movie with subtitles. If you don't enjoy reading during a movie, then I would consider skipping this movie.

I give ‘Sector 7’ an imp score of 2 out of 4 smiles.

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