Thursday, July 19, 2012

Wrath of the Titans Review

When I read there was a sequel being made for the Clash of the Titans, my mind automatically concluded the movie was going to be horrible. For the life of me I could not picture a sequel. The remake of the Clash of the Titans did not deliver a great story to really warrant a sequel. Don’t get me wrong, there were moments in the remake I did enjoy, but mostly it was because of the amazing CG and action scenes. Of course, I still prefer the original movie because it presented a better story on why Perseus went on the epic journey.

After finally watching the Wrath of the Titans, I was actually entertained, especially because of the action. There was something about the presentation that was more enjoyable than the remake. I think the story was better, probably because it was not trying so hard to overshadow a classic movie since it was its own unique story.
Sam Worthington as Perseus
If you know anything about Greek Mythology you will kind of understand the premise of the story of the Wrath of the Titans. Basically, Chronus and the Titans was overthrown and imprisoned to Tartarus (a pit like abyss and maze) by Zeus and his siblings making Zeus the king of the gods. The story takes place when the gods was less favored by the world giving Chronus a chance to break free from his imprisonment using Hades and Zeus’s son Aries to help him escape. After further events Perseus, who is the son of Zeus played by Sam Worthington and Agenor, who is the son of Poseidon played by Toby Kebbell begin an epic journey accompanied by Andromeda played by Rosamund Pike, to forge a weapon that was used to imprison Chronus to defeat him.
Rosamund Pike as Andromeda
In the original movie Andromeda was an innocent princess who was to be sacrificed to the Kraken, but was saved by her love one Perseus. In the Wrath of the Titans they upgraded Andromeda’s character; making her a warrior queen, who lead battles and accompanied Perseus to defeat Chronus. Since Perseus’s wife was dead and a single parent raising a son, Andromeda was now a love interest for Perseus. I like the idea the love between Perseus and Andromeda was rekindled in this movie, but since the love between the two was missing from the Clash of the Titans, it didn’t really portray the strong love Perseus really had for Andromeda. After all, it was originally the love for Andromeda that Perseus went on the epic journey to defeat the Kraken to save his love in the first place. It’s too bad they did not present the love between the two during the remake. It would have made a more epic presentation when they finally fell in love in this movie.
Although, Sam Worthington played Perseus well, his character seemed a bit out of touch. You have hero who defeated a number of legendary monsters during his journey in the Clash of the Titans, and yet he seemed a bit lost. It’s like he lost all his heroic personality. Maybe it was the lifestyle he was living that made him too timid. Eventually, he does become heroic, but not as compelling as he was during the Clash of the Titans.  
Where the movie takes off is in the action sequences and CG presentations. The movie presented amazing battles scenes. And the presentation of Tartarus was so epic that it showcased a maze so confusing that you would not want to be exiled in such place.  The acting was ok, but it was the action scenes that made this movie truly entertaining.
I give Wrath of the Titans an impression score of 3 out of 4 smiles. Great entertainment worth watching, especially if you are a fan of Greek Mythology and action movies!

1 comment:

  1. I agree; when I first saw Clash of the Titans, I didn't think it warranted enough to have a sequel either. I was excited when I heard about this film coming out though, so it's kind of a bummer to hear so many people didn't enjoy it that much. I haven’t seen it just yet, but based on all the mixed reviews I've been reading on it, I think I'm still going to give it a try. I noticed it was available through Dish PPV in HD, so I'm most likely going to rent it tomorrow night, when I have a couple coworkers over from Dish. Luckily if anything I'll benefit from watching in HD, since according to you the CG and action scenes are the best parts. Thanks for your review! :)
