Friday, February 3, 2012

Chronicle Movie Review

What was the movie about?
'Chronicle' is about three high school kids who stumble on a meteor. Steven Montgomer played by Michael B. Jordan is your super popular high school kid. Matt Garetty played by Alex Russell is your bad boy high school kid. Andrew Detmer played by Dane Dehaan is your unpopular high school kid with issues. The three form a bound when they start to realise they now have abilities. They start experimenting on what they can do, eventually getting stronger and expanding beyond their basic backyard testing. Steven becomes closer with Andrew and tries to help him overcome his issues by making him popular. Things don't turn out and Andrew loses control leading to a death. Andrew becomes even more uncontrollable when his dysfunctional family issues unfold. Leading to a city wide destruction and a confrontation with the one person that truly carried about him.

Why watch this Movie?
Imagine you find a fallen meteor, now you have abilities, but what can you actually do. You begin to experiment to find your limits. All of sudden you can fly. Now picture that with three totally different personalities of high school kids who don't act like heroes, or use it for good, but only to have fun! What would you do if you had abilities as a teenager? That's the question I wanted find an answer to by watching the movie.

Was the movie worth seeing?
At first I thought it was going to be a story about good and evil, one taking the role of a super hero, the other a villain. However, they did a good job of telling a different story. Focusing more on how one would cope with having abilities, to how it would influence their lives, which made it a more enjoyable and entertaining movie to watch. Go see it!

I give Chronicle 4/5 (4 - worth watching)

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