Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Drive Movie Review

Why watch this movie?
'Drive' stars Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan. If you are a fan of both that's one reason to watch. The car chases and stunts are another good reason. Gosling could have used more lines, but otherwise his action scenes are entertaining enough to watch.

What was the movie about?
The story is about a quiet and reserved stunt man, who ends up getting involved with a single parent. When the husband returns from prison things turns for the worse. Goslings character 'Driver', ends up helping the husband resolve an issue. Things don't turn out and even more trouble occurs causing harm to everyone Driver knows and cares about.

Was the movie worth seeing?
If you enjoy watching car chases, stunts and messy killings then you may find it entertaining. I felt it was a bit slow to start. Eventually it picks up with more action and killing at the end turning it into a more enjoyable action movie. 

I give Drive 3/5 (3 - its decent entertainment)

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