Wednesday, February 1, 2012

In Time Movie Review

Why watch this movie?
'In Time' stars Justin Timerblake and Amanda Seyfried. Its a unique story about society genetically changing how we live and die. Aging stops at 25, currency is replaced with a time clock that is embed in your arm. People work to earn time and use to pay for everyday living, shortening the time they live. The poor struggle to maintain time, while the rich lavish with decades to centuries of time.

Justin, Amanda and cast provide a decent performance and entertainment, but what really makes this movie worth watching is the story premise of how society copes living by a timer.

What was the movie about?
The story focuses on Justin Timberlakes character 'Will Salas' who is given 100 years of time by a stranger who had enough of living and dies. This causes the time police and time thieves to start chasing Will, who eventually kidnaps and falls in love with Amanda Seyfriend character 'Sylvia Weis'.  This adds more heat to Will Salas, for  Sylvia is the daughter of the business tycoon that manages the time system. Eventually the story unfolds into a Bonny and Clyde escapade where the two rob time banks to give back to the poor.

Was the movie worth seeing?
If you are a fan of Justin Timerblake and Amanda Seyfried, then I recommend checking it out. They do a decent performance to deliver an enjoyable story.

I give In Time 3/5 (3 - its decent entertainment)

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